What's New In The Blog
We’re continuing the theme of how we ask for more of what we want and need, and this time, it’s more connection.
Human beings are social creatures. We have evolved to thrive on interacting with other people and the wider world around us.
Research shows that the...
Life is full of ups and downs. It is a part of the human experience.
And when difficult times inevitably arise, we all want to be able to meet the challenge.
Research has shown that while some people seem to navigate stormy waters with ease, it is possible for all of us to ‘learn’ and...
There may be ‘No Place Like Home’, but events of recent months have really tested our love affair with our household environment.
Humans are a social species, and the abnormal amount of time we have spent indoors juggling work commitments, childcare and the admin of everyday...
Time to find an alternative to saying 'sorry'
‘Sorry’ will be said 368 million times today in the UK and mainly by women.
According to research this one little word can have a huge impact on women in the boardroom and how they are perceived by male colleagues. Every time...
There is a reason why so many well respected people talk about loving yourself and showing yourself compassion because it’s key to help you on your way to Live Powerfully.
How many times in our lives do we hear that self-love is important, and how many times do we ignore it and think, when...